Honors and Excellence Unit
The Honors and Excellence Unit at AHUMI British University is dedicated to recognizing and celebrating outstanding achievements and contributions across various fields. This unit administers awards and honorary certificates, including Honorary Doctorates and Master’s Degrees, to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional excellence and made significant impacts in their respective areas. The unit ensures that all nominations are carefully reviewed and evaluated, with final decisions made by the University’s Board of Trustees. Our goal is to honor those who exemplify remarkable dedication and innovation.
Number of Awards and Honors Issued
Since the establishment of the Honors and Excellence Unit at AHUMI British University, we have recognized and celebrated outstanding achievements and valuable contributions through various awards and honors. To date, the unit has issued:

We take pride in highlighting and appreciating the valuable contributions of individuals, and we strive to continue honoring more outstanding achievers in the future.
Regulatory Bylaws for the Unit of Honorary Awards and Certificates
Article 1: Definitions
Unit: The Unit of Honorary Awards and Certificates at AHUMI British University.
Board of Directors: The body responsible for making the final decisions.
Board of Trustees: The body to which the Unit reports administratively.
Scientific Council: The body that issues recommendations regarding the granting of honorary awards and certificates.
Honorary Awards and Certificates: Awards and certificates granted to prominent public figures who have made significant contributions at the societal level.
Article 2: Objectives
To honor prominent public figures who have made outstanding contributions in various fields.
To enhance the relationship between the university and the local and international community.
To boost the academic reputation of the university globally.
Article 3: Organizational Structure
The Unit reports administratively to the Board of Trustees at the university.
The Scientific Council of the Unit comprises a group of academics and experts from various fields.
Article 4: Duties of the Scientific Council
To study and evaluate nominations for granting honorary awards and certificates.
To issue recommendations based on specific criteria for granting honorary awards and certificates.
To submit recommendations to the Board of Directors via the Board of Trustees for approval or rejection.
Article 5: Criteria for Granting Honorary Awards and Certificates
Outstanding contributions in academic, social, economic, or cultural fields.
Positive impact on society at the local or international level.
Good reputation and personal integrity.
Article 6: Procedures
Nominations can be submitted by faculty members, the Board of Trustees, or public figures.
Nominations are reviewed and evaluated by the Scientific Council based on the specified criteria.
The Scientific Council issues recommendations and submits them to the Board of Trustees for review before sending them to the Board of Directors for final approval.
Honorary awards and certificates are announced in an official ceremony organized by the university after approval by the Board of Directors.
Article 7: Organizational Policies
Commitment to transparency and integrity in the process of granting honorary awards and certificates.
Compliance with British laws and regulations, as well as OfS and QAA regulations.
Consideration of remote education in all Unit procedures.
Article 8: Precautionary Measures
Financial Costs:
An annual budget for the Unit must be set and approved by the Board of Directors.
Avoiding excessive expenses and ensuring prior approval for any costs exceeding the set budget.
Evaluation and Review:
Conduct periodic reviews of the Unit’s work and procedures to ensure compliance with the specified criteria.
Document all procedures and decisions to ensure transparency and accountability.
Conflict of Interest:
Members of the Scientific Council must disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
Members of the Scientific Council are prohibited from voting on nominations related to individuals with whom they have direct or indirect connections.
Objections and Appeals:
Providing a clear mechanism for submitting objections and appeals by candidates who were not granted awards or certificates.
The appeal mechanism must be transparent, fair, and include clear steps for review.
Legal Compliance:
The Unit must comply with all British laws and regulations, as well as OfS and QAA regulations.
Legal advice should be sought if there are any doubts or inquiries regarding the legal aspects of the Unit’s work.
Article 9: Final Provisions
These bylaws shall be effective from the date of approval by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors has the right to amend these bylaws based on recommendations from the Scientific Council and legal and regulatory changes

Detailed Criteria for Granting Honorary Awards and Certificates
Article 1: General Criteria
Outstanding Contributions: The candidate must have made significant and influential contributions in their professional, academic, or social field.
Reputation and Integrity: The candidate must be known for their good reputation and personal integrity.
Positive Impact: The candidate must have a tangible positive impact on the community at the local or international level.
Innovation and Creativity: The candidate must demonstrate a high level of innovation and creativity in their field.
Article 2: Academic Criteria
Scientific Research: The candidate must have made outstanding contributions to scientific research, such as publishing in peer-reviewed journals or receiving research awards.
Teaching: The candidate must have made significant contributions in the field of teaching and higher education, such as developing new curricula or delivering outstanding lectures.
Academic Supervision: The candidate must have made significant contributions in academic supervision of graduate students or research projects.
Article 3: Social Criteria
Volunteer Work: The candidate must have made outstanding contributions in volunteer work and community service.
Social Initiatives: The candidate must have led or participated in social initiatives aimed at improving community conditions.
Community Development: The candidate must have contributions to community development programs or humanitarian projects.
Article 4: Economic Criteria
Entrepreneurship: The candidate must have made outstanding contributions in the field of entrepreneurship and successfully established projects.
Economic Development: The candidate must have a prominent role in promoting local or international economic development.
Sustainability: The candidate must have contributed to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
Article 5: Cultural Criteria
Arts and Culture: The candidate must have made outstanding contributions in the field of arts or culture.
Heritage Preservation: The candidate must have a role in preserving cultural and historical heritage.
Cultural Awareness: The candidate must have contributed to spreading cultural awareness and promoting cross-cultural understanding.
Article 6: Additional Criteria
Technological Innovation: The candidate must have contributions in the field of technological innovation and development of new technologies.
Environmental Contributions: The candidate must have contributed to environmental protection and sustainability.
Leadership: The candidate must have demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities in their field.
Article 7: Evaluation and Selection
Formation of Evaluation Committee: A specialized evaluation committee comprising members of the Scientific Council must be formed to assess nominations.
Information Gathering: Accurate and comprehensive information about the candidates must be collected through documents, certificates, and reports.
Interviews: Interviews with the candidates may be conducted if necessary to obtain additional information.
Final Decision: Recommendations are submitted to the Board of Trustees and then to the Board of Directors for final approval.
Article 8: Commitment to Standards
Transparency: The evaluation and selection process must be transparent and clear to all.
Fairness: The selection process must be fair and unbiased.
Periodic Review: The criteria must be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure their relevance to changes and developments.
Appeals and Grievances Mechanism for the Unit’s Decisions
Article 1: Definitions

Article 2: Eligibility to Submit Appeals and Grievances
Article 3: Procedures for Submitting Appeals & Grievances
Article 4: Procedures for Reviewing the Appeal
Article 5: Final Decision
Article 6: Transparency and Integrity
Article 7: Documentation of Decisions
Article 8: Follow-Up and Evaluation
Article 1: Definitions
The Unit: The Unit for Granting Honorary Awards and Certificates at AHUMI British University.
The Scientific Council: The council that issues recommendations regarding the granting of honorary awards and certificates.
The Board of Trustees: The body to which the unit is administratively affiliated.
The Board of Directors: The body that makes the final decision.
Appeals and Grievances: Procedures through which candidates or concerned parties can object to the unit’s decisions.
Article 2: Eligibility to Submit Appeals and Grievances
Candidates who did not receive honorary awards or certificates have the right to submit an appeal and grievance against the unit’s decisions.
Other parties affected by the unit’s decisions have the right to submit an appeal and grievance, provided they present reasonable justifications.
Article 3: Procedures for Submitting Appeals and Grievances
Submitting the Appeal: The appeal must be submitted in writing to the unit within 30 days from the date of the announcement of the decision.
Content of the Appeal: The appeal must include clear details about the contested decision, reasons for the appeal, and any supporting evidence.
Receipt of the Appeal: The unit confirms the receipt of the appeal in writing to the candidate or the concerned party.
Article 4: Procedures for Reviewing the Appeal
Formation of the Appeals Committee: The Scientific Council forms a special committee to review the appeal, consisting of independent members who did not participate in making the original decision.
Information Gathering: The Appeals Committee gathers necessary information and reviews the evidence provided by the candidate or the concerned party.
Interviews: The committee may conduct interviews with the concerned parties if needed to obtain additional information.
Article 5: Final Decision
Submitting Recommendations: The Appeals Committee submits its recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
Review by the Board of Trustees: The Board of Trustees reviews the recommendations of the Appeals Committee and submits its recommendations to the Board of Directors.
Decision by the Board of Directors: The Board of Directors makes the final decision on the appeal and informs the candidate or the concerned party in writing.
Article 6: Transparency and Integrity
Transparency: The unit ensures that the appeals and grievances process is transparent and clear to all concerned parties.
Integrity: The unit is committed to impartiality and integrity at all stages of the appeals and grievances process.
Article 7: Documentation of Decisions
Recording Decisions: All appeals and grievances decisions are formally recorded and maintained in the unit’s records.
Availability of Information: Information related to the appeals and grievances process is available to concerned parties upon request, subject to confidentiality and privacy.
Article 8: Follow-Up and Evaluation
Periodic Evaluation: The unit conducts periodic evaluations of the appeals and grievances mechanism to ensure its effectiveness and fairness.
Amendments: The unit may amend the appeals and grievances mechanism based on the results of periodic evaluations and feedback from concerned parties.
Nomination Forms
Nomination Form for Honorary Awards and Certificates

Nomination Process Expenses
Application Fee: An application fee may be charged to cover the processing of nominations. A specific amount is set based on the type of award.
Document Collection Costs: Any costs associated with collecting and sending the documents required for the nomination are borne by the nominee or the nominating organization.

Evaluation Process Expenses
Evaluation Fees: Fees may be charged for the evaluation process, including costs for forming committees, reviewing documents, and conducting interviews if necessary.
Expert Fees: Fees for experts or consultants who review the nominations are borne by the nominee or the nominating organization.
Issuance of Awards and Certificates
Award Costs: Costs related to the production, preparation, and shipping of awards are covered by the nominee or the nominating organization.
Certificate Costs: Costs for preparing, signing, and shipping honorary certificates are borne by the nominating organization.
Other Expenses
Document and Gift Shipping: Any expenses related to the shipping of documents and gifts associated with awards and honorary certificates are borne by the nominee or the nominating organization.
Promotion and Ceremony Costs: Any costs related to promotional events or ceremonies for the presentation of awards and certificates are covered by the organizing body.
Types of Certificates and Awards
Types of Certificates
Types of Medals
Medal Classes
1. Types of Certificates
Honorary Certificate: Awarded in recognition of outstanding achievements in a specific field.
Distinguished Certificate: Awarded to recognize significant contributions in a particular area.
Excellence Certificate: Awarded for a high level of performance or innovation.
Honorary Doctorate: Awarded to distinguished individuals who have made exceptional contributions in academic, scientific, or social fields.
Honorary Master’s Degree: Awarded to recognize notable achievements in professional or academic fields not previously awarded.
2. Types of Medals
Medal of Excellence: Awarded for exceptional achievements in a specific field.
Public Service Medal: Awarded to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the community.
Innovation Medal: Awarded for significant contributions to innovation and development.
3. Medal Classes
First Class: Awarded for exceptional achievements on a global level.
Second Class: Awarded for notable achievements on a national level.
Third Class: Awarded for distinguished achievements on a local level.
Nomination Forms (Completed form with nominee details and required information).
Application Procedures (Details on how to submit nominations and associated fees).
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